
What is Biofeedback ?

Biofeedback therapy is a non-drug treatment in which patients learn to control bodily processes that are normally involuntary, such as muscle tension, blood pressure, or heart rate. Biofeedback is the process of gaining greater awareness of many physiological functions of one’s own body. primarily using electronic or other instruments, with a goal of being able to manipulate the body’s systems at will.

How does an Biofeedback ?

So how exactly does biofeedback work? By learning how to recognize the physical signs and symptoms of stress and anxiety, such as increased heart rate, body temperature, and muscle tension, people are able to learn how to relax. Scientists believe that it is often the stress response, the body’s tendency to go into a state of "fight-or-flight" in order to deal with potential threats, that often exacerbates certain conditions. By learning how to control physiological responses to stress, biofeedback patients are able to learn how to relax their minds and bodies and better cope with the symptoms of stress.

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