Best and most advanced technology
Biosonic had been developed at Kolkata, India after rigorous research and development. Since its inception in 2015, a lot of effort was put into into product quality and dvelopement. Due to all this reasons we can assure a robust product quality and great customer experience. Our team of dedicated professionals are always working to serve a better experience to the clients.
Moreover, we have accuracy and reliability in our products backed up by research support from other organizations. Biosonic is also an ISO 345 certified company.
With over a decade of experience, we are trying to emerge as the leader in healthcare technology and resources. With our dedicated customer service team, we try to deliver the best experience to customers in terms of product quality, performance, reliability and after sales service. All our products have first in segment technologies and are mostly fully wireless. We love to challenge conventional technologies and bring the most out of the digital era!
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